training programmes

Select one of our tailored programs to kickstart your fitness journey


Time efficient and effective six week home workout program that strengthens/tones core muscles (abdominals), whilst reducing body fat and boosting confidence. You will have access to four individual workouts a week; made up of 13 different core exercises. Complementing this program is a comprehensive nutritional plan to help lose fat. Alongside sleep tips: how much sleep and how to get good quality sleep. Whether working, playing sports and/or climbing stairs having strong deep inner core muscles reduces risk of injury in everyday activities.



Time efficient and effective six week home workout program that strengthens/tones glute muscles, whilst reducing body fat. You will have access to four individual sessions a week; made up of 14 different glute exercises. Complementing this program is a comprehensive nutritional plan to help lose fat. Alongside sleep tips: how much sleep and how to get good quality sleep. Glutes are one of the largest muscles in the body and part of their function is to support the lower back. By strengthening glutes you reduce chance of lower back injury, whilst looking good in jeans.



Time efficient and effective six week home workout program that strengthens/tones arm muscles, whilst reducing body fat. You will have access to four individual sessions a week; made up of 7 different glute exercises. Complementing your exercise program is a comprehensive nutritional plan to help lose fat. Alongside sleep tips: how much sleep and how to get good quality sleep. Strengthening your biceps (pulling) and triceps (pushing) can lead to numerous health & lifestyle benefits. From obvious aesthetic benefits (looking good in a t-shirt), to reducing risk of shoulder injury, you may also notice that lifting shopping bags or moving heavy objects becomes easier too.



Time efficient and effective six week home workout program that strengthens/tones chest muscles, whilst reducing body fat. You will have access to four individual sessions a week; made up of 12 different chest exercises (some variations). Complementing your exercise program is a comprehensive nutritional plan to help lose fat. Alongside sleep tips: how much sleep and how to get good quality sleep. Strong chest muscles indicate testosterone levels, meaning the less fat an individual has in their chest, the greater likelihood of testosterone production. Testosterone is known as the youth hormone and research suggests that sufficient levels slow down the ageing process.